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In The Beginning...

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

So this is it. I'm a freelance copywriter now. But how did I get here?

Well, it's been quite a journey. Over the years, I have written so much stuff for other people - work instructions for factory staff, sales pitches for engineering projects, marketing information... aspects of day-to-day running that a lot of businesses take for granted.

But here's the thing; I'm good at it.

Of course, I would say that. But it happens to be true. I have seen so much awful writing by people who are good engineers, great sales people and some fairly ok managers and thought how badly it reflects upon companies I have worked for. It's not their fault; it's just not their skill set, but it is mine.

I love writing and seeing words take shape on my screen is a great pleasure to me. This is why I've written a lot of stuff for my own pleasure that I've had little chance of being paid for - a LOT of short stories, one completed novel and one in progress. I could go into all of the details of just how hard it is to publish a novel these days but that would be a lengthy blog post just by itself. And, of course, there's my old wordpress blog which I have to admit, now that I look back on it, I could have put more work into as it was a very good vehicle for honing my writing skills further.

The point is, I'm good so I should get paid. Freelance copywriting suits my skill set and it's work I can really enjoy.

So hire me, you won't regret it!

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